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Race Results

Event: Pembrey CaniX combined results
Venue: Pembrey, Llanelli, S Wales
Date: 15+16 April 2017
Distance: 5.5km + 1.9km
Money raised at event: £TBC (over 3 days) for PDSA
Money raised individually:
Event photos: Take2 Event Photos
Event sponsors: SPONSORS

Male - 1 dog (15-39)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 L Thornton 1 19:57.42 66 1 20:11.12 66 00:40:08
2 D Bird 2 24:55.14 57 4 23:26.03 42 00:48:21
3 R Russell 4 31:12.30 42 2 21:40.27 57 00:52:52
4 E Bath 3 26:46.42 49 6 26:48.44 31 00:53:34
5 J Like - - - 3 22:45.93 49 -
6 P Waclawek - - - 5 24:01.33 36 -
N/A P Davies - - - 0 DNS DNS -
Female - 1 dog (15-39)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 L Andrew 1 23:52.43 66 1 23:31.49 66 00:47:23
2 N Lander 5 24:06.73 36 5 23:46.24 36 00:47:53
3 L Lessels 3 24:43.61 49 3 24:00.19 49 00:48:44
4 R Darlington 4 24:47.81 42 4 24:32.01 42 00:49:20
5 H Lowe 5 24:54.70 36 5 25:41.07 36 00:50:36
6 D Devereau 6 25:24.19 31 6 25:46.54 31 00:51:11
7 E Hampton 8 27:01.63 23 7 27:28.30 27 00:54:30
8 L Davies 10 28:16.55 17 8 27:43.92 23 00:56:01
9 S Dunkling 9 27:54.40 20 9 28:10.59 20 00:56:05
10 L Fennell 11 28:51.85 14 10 29:12.58 17 00:58:05
11 S Thomas 13 32:09.25 10 12 31:09.20 12 01:03:18
12 J Southern 14 32:18.68 8 14 31:57.92 8 01:04:17
13 S Martindale 15 32:59.17 6 13 31:37.78 10 01:04:37
14 L Brook 16 33:04.55 5 16 33:22.69 5 01:06:28
15 L Sutton 18 35:00.75 3 15 32:32.60 6 01:07:34
16 A Parrott 17 34:06.82 4 18 35:50.19 3 01:09:57
17 H Like 7 26:26.19 27 - - - -
18 S Merchant - - - 11 29:37.34 14 -
19 H Shutts 5 30:08.03 36 - - - -
20 W Adamczyk - - - 17 34:17.22 4 -
21 E Best - - - 19 40:34.89 2 -
N/A J Guard - - - 0 DNS DNS -
N/A J Guard 0 DNS DNS - - - -
N/A W Adamczyk 0 DNS DNS - - - -
Masters Male - 1 dog (40-49)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 N Smith 1 20:16.67 66 1 20:29.53 66 00:40:47
2 C Reid 2 21:19.13 57 2 21:45.00 57 00:43:04
3 J Kennedy 4 23:12.95 42 4 23:15.05 42 00:46:28
4 B Lessels 6 23:38.28 31 3 23:04.83 49 00:46:43
5 D Grant 3 23:04.42 49 6 24:34.58 31 00:47:39
6 J Harwood 5 23:26.31 36 5 24:21.08 36 00:47:47
7 J Parrott 7 25:31.14 27 7 25:45.62 27 00:51:17
9 B Morris 10 27:46.31 17 8 28:10.56 23 00:55:57
10 R Ashwin 11 27:47.90 14 9 28:23.74 20 00:56:12
11 A Foy 8 26:07.14 23 - - - -
12 R England 9 27:15.03 20 - - - -
13 R England - - - 10 28:34.03 17 -
Masters Female - 1 dog (40-49)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 H Robinson 1 20:26.48 66 1 19:58.17 66 00:40:24
2 M Williams 2 25:52.88 57 2 24:56.78 57 00:50:50
3 M Ford 3 26:40.34 49 3 26:26.47 49 00:53:06
4 E Anderson 4 26:41.59 42 4 26:54.49 42 00:53:36
5 J Ebbrell 5 29:29.29 36 5 28:52.21 36 00:58:21
6 H Ashwin 6 31:17.49 31 6 30:50.90 31 01:02:08
7 T Grigg 8 33:14.25 23 7 33:08.14 27 01:06:22
8 C Nicoll 7 32:36.87 27 8 34:02.18 23 01:06:39
9 D Crook-Richards 10 34:22.00 17 9 34:07.00 20 01:08:29
10 C Macey 11 34:37.32 14 11 34:48.26 14 01:09:25
11 S Parker 12 34:47.11 12 10 34:46.43 17 01:09:33
12 A Woodall 9 34:21.13 20 12 39:36.65 12 01:13:58
13 N Foy 13 55:14.03 10 13 51:57.28 10 01:47:11
14 S Harwood 14 56:53.35 8 14 03:59.74 8 02:00:53
15 J Ballantyne - - - 15 13:57.78 6 -
N/A S Krieger-ford - - - 0 DNS DNS -
N/A J Ballantyne 0 DNS DNS - - - -
N/A S Krieger-ford 0 DNS DNS - - - -
Veteran Male - 1 dog (50+)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 S Robinson 1 24:05.01 66 2 24:46.36 57 00:48:51
2 S Lewis 3 24:30.56 49 1 24:37.85 66 00:49:09
3 M Kallenberg 5 24:28.57 36 5 25:10.07 36 00:49:39
4 D Parry 4 25:54.18 42 4 25:31.23 42 00:51:25
5 P Methven 5 26:15.21 36 5 27:03.75 36 00:53:19
6 S Cairns 6 27:42.80 31 6 27:38.32 31 00:55:21
7 P Walker 7 28:13.74 27 7 28:43.75 27 00:56:58
8 N Southern 9 29:32.98 20 8 30:29.85 23 01:00:03
9 I Bath 8 29:16.73 23 9 31:53.87 20 01:01:11
10 S Bienkowski 10 31:16.47 17 10 32:42.38 17 01:03:58
11 T Thomas 11 32:58.16 14 11 33:04.94 14 01:06:03
12 M Robinson 12 33:34.33 12 12 34:02.28 12 01:07:36
13 D Crook 5 34:00.00 36 5 34:06.00 36 01:08:06
Veteran Female - 1 dog (50+)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 L Lucey 1 23:14.87 66 1 22:42.87 66 00:45:58
2 C Williams 2 25:13.65 57 3 25:04.42 49 00:50:18
3 T Smith 4 28:15.04 42 2 24:34.15 57 00:52:49
4 C Liversage 3 26:57.99 49 4 25:58.30 42 00:52:56
5 S Southern 5 28:16.62 36 5 27:44.56 36 00:56:02
6 B Morris 8 29:51.78 23 6 28:02.25 31 00:57:54
7 K Davies 7 29:23.27 27 7 28:43.92 27 00:58:07
8 A Hyde 6 29:14.16 31 8 29:39.22 23 00:58:53
9 N Hughes 9 30:40.88 20 9 30:29.92 20 01:01:11
10 S Johnson 10 31:59.47 17 10 32:21.46 17 01:04:20
11 C Hather 14 34:31.49 8 11 34:18.38 14 01:08:49
12 J Fowler 11 32:35.74 14 12 36:16.18 12 01:08:52
13 B Hancock 12 32:52.30 12 - - - -
14 J Porter Davies 13 33:34.97 10 - - - -
Male - 2 dog (17+)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 C Reade 1 19:44.48 66 5 20:04.97 36 00:39:49
2 I Reade 2 23:31.70 57 2 23:32.93 57 00:47:05
3 S Barnett 3 31:40.31 49 5 33:41.63 36 01:05:22
4 C Ford - - - 3 26:19.85 49 -
5 A Foy - - - 4 27:01.90 42 -
N/A D Litchfield - - - 0 DNS DNS -
Female - 2 dog (17+)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 L Calcraft 1 23:43.35 66 1 23:53.72 66 00:47:37
2 A Whiteside 2 27:07.82 57 2 26:58.45 57 00:54:06
3 K Connal 3 30:36.27 49 3 29:59.29 49 01:00:35
4 I Powys 5 32:07.21 36 4 30:30.78 42 01:02:38
5 S Kallenberg 4 31:00.22 42 8 47:57.71 23 01:18:58
6 R Northway - - - 5 33:20.45 36 -
7 A Davies - - - 6 33:45.95 31 -
8 L Rees - - - 7 35:30.96 27 -
N/A H Giles 0 DNS DNS - - - -
N/A H Giles - - - 0 DNS DNS -
Junior Male and Female - 1 dog (11-14)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 D Robinson 1 05:59.35 66 1 06:13.42 66 00:12:12
2 M Robinson 2 07:21.71 57 2 07:38.83 57 00:15:01
3 E Lessels 3 08:49.87 49 4 09:04.79 42 00:17:55
4 H Watson 5 09:58.88 36 3 08:39.14 49 00:18:38
5 J Lessels 4 09:45.98 42 5 09:22.92 36 00:19:09
6 H Beacham 6 10:24.16 31 6 10:16.00 31 00:20:40
7 K Parrott 7 10:29.38 27 7 10:25.68 27 00:20:55
8 K Foy 8 11:46.46 23 9 11:01.88 20 00:22:48
9 C Foy 10 13:44.91 17 8 10:32.40 23 00:24:17
10 S Bird 9 12:59.23 20 11 12:31.83 14 00:25:31
11 C Barnett - - - 5 11:21.49 36 -
N/A J Ballantyne 0 DNS DNS - - - -
N/A J Ballantyne - - - 0 DNS DNS -
Cubs Male and Female - 1 dog (7-10)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
1 A Robinson 1 09:59.92 66 1 09:54.97 66 00:19:55
2 E Darlington 2 10:01.32 57 2 10:37.84 57 00:20:39
3 G Crook 3 13:29.09 49 3 13:46.93 49 00:27:16
Have-a-go Male and Female (15+)
Class/name Day 1 Place Time Points Day 2 Place Time Points Total Time
N/A T Broomhead N/A 09:09.16 N/A N/A 09:12.27 N/A 00:18:21
N/A F Grigg N/A 09:38.96 N/A N/A 09:43.07 N/A 00:19:22
N/A B Smith N/A 15:04.07 N/A N/A 15:11.87 N/A 00:30:16
N/A G Smith N/A 15:39.65 N/A N/A 15:32.85 N/A 00:31:13



Race Results

Event: Pembrey Beach CaniX
Venue: Pembrey, Llanelli, S Wales
Date: 17 April 17
Distance: 2 miles
Money raised at event: £TBC (over 3 days) for PDSA
Money raised individually:
Event photos: Take2 Event Photos
Event sponsors: SPONSORS

Class/name Time
Male - 1 dog (15-39)
1 L Thornton 11:40.82 132
2 D Bird 12:16.26 114
3 P Waclawek 12:17.26 98
4 R Russell 12:36.26 84
5 B Marston 13:05.15 72
6 E Bath 14:44.58 62
7 C Hutton 15:05.73 54
8 T Plested 15:56.34 46
Female - 1 dog (15-39)
1 L Lessels 11:55.77 132
2 L Andrew 12:08.26 114
4 E Hampton 13:41.91 84
5 H Lowe 14:08.89 72
6 D Devereau 14:49.29 62
7 L Davies 15:02.57 54
8 L Fennell 15:49.26 46
9 L Sutton 15:57.26 40
5 N Lander 12:34.26 36
10 S Thomas 16:26.11 34
11 L Brook 16:39.21 28
12 J Southern 16:45.43 24
13 S Dunkling 16:46.26 20
14 S Martindale 17:15.57 16
15 A Parrott 17:16.26 12
16 R Darlington 19:44.26 10
17 W Adamczyk 20:33.16 8
Masters Male - 1 dog (40-49)
1 Z Lesi 10:32.98 132
2 N Smith 11:11.06 114
3 J Kennedy 12:13.10 98
4 J Parrott 12:18.26 84
5 D Grant 12:33.96 72
6 J Harwood 14:10.26 62
7 R England 14:37.85 54
8 B Morris 14:52.14 46
9 B Lessels 16:17.26 40
10 R Ashwin 17:04.26 34
11 A Foy 17:18.26 28
12 D Smith 18:00.98 24
Masters Female - 1 dog (40-49)
1 H Robinson 11:16.33 132
2 L Callaghan 13:00.70 114
3 E Anderson 14:06.56 98
4 B Smith 14:59.97 84
5 D Crook-Richards 15:16.07 72
6 F Grigg 16:56.17 62
7 J Ebbrell 16:59.03 54
8 H Ashwin 17:02.95 46
9 T Grigg 17:18.26 40
9 S Parker 17:18.26 40
11 C Macey 17:27.88 28
12 N Foy 30:01.54 24
13 A Woodall 32:17.26 20
14 S Harwood 32:23.51 16
15 J Ballantyne 35:12.41 12
Veteran Male - 1 dog (50+)
1 S Robinson 11:56.26 132
2 M Mazzucca 12:27.77 114
3 P Smith 13:12.62 98
4 S Lewis 13:30.41 84
5 P Methven 14:12.26 72
6 S Cairns 15:22.18 62
7 P Walker 15:47.16 54
8 T Thomas 16:00.33 46
9 M Robinson 16:21.62 40
5 D Crook 21:53.26 36
10 H Fowler 17:18.26 34
10 N Southern 17:18.26 34
12 S Bienkowski 17:52.87 24
13 I Bath 17:58.37 20
Veteran Female - 1 dog (50+)
1 K Mazzucca 10:28.26 132
2 L Lucey 12:15.04 114
3 T Smith 13:11.15 98
4 C Williams 13:30.26 84
5 C Liversage 14:27.82 72
6 B Morris 14:54.35 62
7 K Davies 15:11.57 54
8 A Hyde 15:31.87 46
9 S Southern 16:07.26 40
10 M Howells 16:54.02 34
11 J Fowler 17:18.26 28
12 S Johnson 17:33.89 24
13 N Hughes 18:11.32 20
14 F Geddie 18:49.41 16
Male - 2 dog (17+)
1 C Reade 09:55.09 132
2 I Reade 12:10.26 114
3 D Parry 13:14.26 98
4 D Ebbrell 17:09.22 84
Female - 2 dog (17+)
1 L Calcraft 12:32.32 132
2 M Williams 13:02.72 114
3 I Powys 15:40.26 98
4 K Connal 16:07.08 84
5 A Whiteside 16:23.26 72
Junior (M + F combined) - 1 dog (11-14)
1 D Robinson 10:24.62 132
2 M Robinson 11:24.38 114
3 E Lessels 11:53.30 98
4 H Watson 15:38.56 84
5 K Foy 17:17.26 72
6 J Lessels 17:18.26 62
7 H Beacham 17:38.18 54
8 K Parrott 18:27.82 46
9 C Foy 23:35.71 40
10 S Bird 36:24.35 34
Cubs (M + F combined) - 1 dog (7 to 10)
1 A Robinson 16:17.26 132
2 E Darlington 19:44.60 114
3 G Crook 21:53.32 98
Have-a-go - 1 or 2 dog (15+)